Jack Uldrich
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Everything That’s Wrong with Education

Posted in Creativity, Culture, Education, Kindergarten, Parenting

This weekend my 8 year-old son completed a report on "the invention of the light bulb." The purpose of the report was to trace the history of an invention. With some much needed assistance from my wife, he completed the project but I can't help but ask myself, "What did he really learn?"   To…

Ignore the Eclipse and Admire the Sunset

Posted in General, Kindergarten, Metaphor, Parenting, Unlearn Strategy

  "We must unlearn the constellation to see the stars.” Jack Gilbert from the poem “Tear it Down”   Question: In 2003, what money-losing product far exceeded its sales projections for the year in spite of spending less money on advertising and making no material upgrades?   The answer is the Oldsmobile and its success…

Unlearning Lying

Posted in Books, Culture, Education, Kindergarten, Parenting

I lie. I admit it.  Sure, most are little "white lies" that I have convinced myself make life easier for myself and more gentle on others. (Do I really want to tell my mother that I don't like the shirt she bought me for Christmas? No. (See, there I go again — I'm lying —…

Unlearning is the Key to Creativity

Posted in Business, Creativity, Culture, Education, Future, General, Innovation, Kindergarten, Marketing, Science, Unlearn Strategy

Yesterday, I argued that unlearning is important to developing curiosity in children. Somewhat serendipitously, Seth Godin yesterday had a post entitled "Why Ask Why" in which he suggested that curiosity is the key to creativity. I agree. It also reminded me of this excellent post (Learning to Unlearn: The Innovation Connection) by E. Ted Price…

Unlearning Failure

Posted in Creativity, Culture, Education, General, Kindergarten, Parenting

Yesterday, I announced my big idea for the upcoming decade is to draw attention to the concept of unlearning. My chosen method for doing this is to introduce the idea of unlearning to kindergartners. At a deep level, however, I believe most children already know how to unlearn. The problem is that this vital skill…


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