Jack Uldrich
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Top-Secret Unlearning

Posted in Current Affairs, Defense, General, Internet, Jump the Curve, Military_, Terrorism, Web 2.0, Web/Tech, Weblogs

Computer World has an interesting article discussing the CIA’s use of Intellipedia — a Wikipedia-like project for its analysts. As a former naval intelligence officer, I think this is a fantastic idea but — perhaps not unsurprisingly — the idea has been met with some resistance from within the intelligence community. According to the article,…

Unlearning Terrorism

Posted in Black Swans, Books, Current Affairs, Defense, General, Insurance, Military_, Terrorism

In today’s New York Times there is an interesting article discussing two different theories regarding terrorism. Without wishing to over simplify the two schools of thought, one camp — lead by Bruce Coffman — argues that Al Qaeda is alive and well and is very much a top-down organization. The other camp, lead by Marc…

Embrace a New Dimension

Posted in Architecture, Automobile, Defense, Education, Energy, Health Care, Manufacturing, Media, Military_, Virtual reality, Web 2.0

It has been said that the reason doctors and surgeons have not embraced simulated training to the same degree as airline pilots is because they don’t “go down” with their patients. The implicit message is that pilots have an incentive to utilize the very best training tools. This distinction is important because as 3-D display…

Change or Die … Unnecessarily

Posted in Aviation, Current Affairs, Defense, History, Military_

The Wall Street Journal has an interesting review of the new book, Mr. Gatling’s Terrible Marvel. It is a history of the world’s first machine gun. Interestingly, although the gun was patented during the Civil War and Mr. Gatling urged the Union Army to adopt it — arguing that it would "save lives, wounds and…


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