Jack Uldrich
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Sweat the Small Stuff

Posted in Behavior, Change, Creativity, General, Government, Human Resources, Paradox, TED, Unlearn Strategy

This past February I wrote a post entitled Big Problems Don't Always Require Big Fixes. In a fascinating and informative TED talk Rory Sutherland has expanded upon this theme. If you have 12 minutes, I encourage you to watch the video.   If you don't have the time, the major piece of unlearning which society must…

Bring on the Unlearning Revolution

Posted in Education, Quotes, TED

Sir Kenneth Robinson has a new video on TED entitled Bring on the Learning Revolution. (The 16 minute video is below). I highly recommend it if for no other reason than he quotes a quote from Abraham Lincoln which I discussed in this post last year, To Unlearn: Learn to Disenthrall. My only caveat to…


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