Asking a new question has always been one of my favorite methods of unlearning. I would therefore like to share with you ten questions from Seth Godin's new video (the full video is posted below for your viewing enjoyment) on this most recent book, Linchpin.Linchpin.JPG  

1. Can asking questions help you conquer resistance? (And, I would add, should we begin teaching this skill in kindergarten?)

2. Does everyone agree that there is a problem? (Is, perhaps, your ego part of the problem?)

3. What if you solved the problem in a way that makes a tiny minority extremely happy?

4. Could you build a brand people would hate even more? (Is Starbucks is on to something.)

5. If we got rid of textbooks, what would be the best way to replace them? (Here's one idea.)

6. If you discovered your biggest competitor was successfully developing a product that reinvents the rules of your industry, what would you do?

7. Could you do the same thing if the competitor wasn't about to do this?

8. If you could uninvite one person to the product development meeting, who would it be? (Could you have avoided this problem by conducting an "unterview?")

9. Which customer would you fire if you could? (Do you first need to unlearn the rules?)

10. Are there other questions that make you uncomfortable? (If you can't think of any ideas I suggest you begin by becoming uncomfortable in your own skin or starting an anti-library.)

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Riddles for linchpins from Seth Godin on Vimeo.