
The future is what you make of it. So here are some resources you can use to understand and manage change, and to build a better future for your organizations. Help yourself to a big slice of tomorrow.


Foresight: Thinking About the Unthinkable

Jack’s “Question the Future” Framework

Jack Uldrich’s Think Week Guide

AHA Hot Sheet

Forbes: Legal Rights of Nature

10 Technologies Transforming Farming

Foresight 20/20: The Future of Banking

Foresight 20/20: The Future of Agriculture


Annual Predictions

An exaggerated level of specificity—and, in some cases, humor—has been added to each prediction for the reader’s enjoyment. The trend or technology behind each “prediction” is real but is not intended to be taken literally. Rather, each is merely demonstrative of a broader trend that will continue to shape society in the coming year.