#10: Don't Mind Your P's & Q's … The future is changing faster than you think.

#9: Shoot Granny Style … Unlearning may look funny but it's worth it.

#8: Don't Just Do Something, Sit There … Action can be costly.

#7: Argue with Yourself (It's Not Debatable) … Know all sides of an issue.

#6: Become Uncomfortable in Your Own Skin … Different can be good.

#5: Watch Uranus … You can't always tell the "stars" from the real thing.

#4: Don't Listen to Your Elders … Inexperience is what counts.

#3: Study at an Anti-Library … Know — or is it "No" — more books?

#2: Put one foot in back of the other … To go forward.

#1: Engage in some situational unawareness training … Don't yield to a past which no longer exists.

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