The other day I pointed out many of the glaring problems with the Wall Street Journal’s crappy article about the future. Well, there is now a new article about the future available compliments of PCWorld and, of the two, the latter does a much better job in my opinion of prognasticating about what tomorrow might look like.

As I said in my earlier critique of the WSJ’s predictions, I thought its writers were too timid in their projections. The PCWorld article has some of that, but at least its editors were willing to throw out some far reaching and bold ideas. To this end, I particularly liked this quote: ”There’s a very short leap between implanting a cochlear device and one that lets you receive information directly from the Internet.”

To many people, the idea of directly downloading information from the Internet might sound implausible, but if one “jumps the curve” from today’s progress in the field (a professor in England and his wife are already conducting a crude form of “thought” communication) and then extrapolate this progress out into the future, one can envision how such a technology might take-off.

For people serious about thinking about the future, I highly recommend the article.