In my 2012 book “Foresight 2020,” I penned a future scenario to help people “think about the unthinkable. Yes, I got the year of the pandemic and the location of the outbreak wrong, but the rest is remarkably close to what has happened. I share this because all of us need to keep thinking about unthinkable things. Don’t think a second breakout of worse proportions can happen this fall? Don’t think authoritarian governments won’t use the crisis to seize political power? Don’t think a violent political revolution is possible? Don’t think climate change won’t be a worse disaster? THINK AGAIN … and then take steps to prevent these things from happening! (I have also included a list of questions which I concluded the chapter … please pay special attention to the last question.)
A Futurist Thinks About Unthinkable Things
By Jack Uldrich|2020-05-07T09:03:09-05:00May 7, 2020|Future|Comments Off on A Futurist Thinks About Unthinkable Things