
If something doubles just ten times it is one thousand (1024 times to
precise) larger. This is an important concept to grasp if you want to
better contemplate the future.

Why? Because no fewer than nine technological trends—semiconductors,
data storage, bandwidth, genomics, gene sequencing, robotics,
nanotechnology, brain scanning and scientific knowledge—are doubling
anywhere from every 6 to 18 months.

To put this in some perspective, consider the following examples.

If the military is currently deploying 1000 robots in Afghanistan but
the number is doubling every year by 2020 that means there will be one
million robots deployed in the country. This will change warfare as we
know it.

If Wal-Mart is currently deploying 1 million RFID (radio frequency
identification) tags but that number is doubling every year this
suggests by 2020 that there will be 1 billion RFID tags deployed. This
will fundamentally transform the global supply chain management system.

And if gene sequencing equipment can today translate one billion
sequences every few hours (at an estimated cost of $20,000) but the
technology is doubling year year, this implies we will be able to
translate one trillion genes an hour by 2020. If this comes to pass,
sequencing your genome will not only take minutes it will cost pennies
on the dollar. Such a change could radically transform how we treat
disease and will have profound implications for both the health care and
the pharmaceutical industries.

A million, a billion and a trillion might not seem that different
(perhaps because they rhyme) but here’s one way to think of the change
coming our way:

One million seconds was 12 days ago;

One billion seconds was 32 years ago;

One trillion seconds takes us back to the year 30,000 B.C.

My advice? Buckle up because your future is about to expand in a million, a billion and a trillion different directions.