CeltictreeThe other day I asked the following question: If the seed of a tree weighs next to nothing and yet the tree itself weighs quite a bit; from where does the tree get the material that makes up the wood in your desk or in your house?

As I said nearly 85% of people get the wrong answer and say "the ground." That is incorrect. If, however, you get in the habit of asking follow up questions you might get a little closer to unlearning some of the things you need to unlearn. 

For example, if you did answer the "ground" one possible follow-up question might be: Why aren't there holes around trees? (Presumably if the material did come from the ground it would need to replaced and, if it wasn't replaced, it would leave a gapping hole, right?)

Unfortunately, many of us don't ask follow-up questions — especially in relationship to our key beliefs and assumptions. As a result, we wander around in a state of confident ignorance.

If you want to unlearn, keep asking follow-up questions.

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