Questions You can learn to unlearn by visualizing information different. You can also unlearn by listening for sounds you can't hear. I'd now like to remind you that one of the best ways to unlearn is to ask a new question or, better yet, ask the same question in a different way.

You might think that if you ask the same question in a different way you'll still get the same answer. Not so. Often we ask questions to gain the answer we seek — and not the truth.

For instance, imagine you are having a difficult time with a colleague at work because they aren't doing something. One way to address the issue is to ask the question: "Why aren't you doing this?" Another way to approach the issue is to ask: "What problems are you having with this?"

Can you see how they might lead to different responses? Or, perhaps, I should rephrase my own question: "What opportunities exist by rephrasing the question?"

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