Planting Our Way Toward a Greener, Healthier Future
A greener, healthier, and more beautiful future is possible now! We just need to stop talking and start planting!
A greener, healthier, and more beautiful future is possible now! We just need to stop talking and start planting!
Think: Lilium's Electric Jet Taxi Completes its First Flight. I rarely make predictions, but electric aircraft will transform regional travel patterns and habits within the next decade. Think Twice: Always think twice! You could be on Thin Ice! Taxis, buses, and streetcars may continue to the future, or not. Las Vegas is investing $50 million in an [...]
Recently, Hal Gregersen, the author of Questions are the Answer, had an outstanding article in the Wall Street Journal, To Be a Better Leader, Ask Better Questions. As a futurist, I have always exhorted my clients to “give up on answers, stick with questions.” (I even provide them a quick cheat sheet of potential questions [...]
A futurist has a responsibility to help his/her clients imagine a wider range of different and better futures.
Think: Coming of Age in the Age of AI. Your future customers are going to have different expectations and they are going to think and act differently because of artificial intelligence. The time for you to begin thinking about how this will impact your business is now. Think Twice: CO2 Levels Hit Historic High. It was [...]
In their fascinating book, Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness, Nobel Prize-winning economists Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein explain how simple policy “nudges” can have powerful ramifications. The example that has always stuck with me is the vast discrepancy between the number of organ donors in Germany and Austria. Culturally, socially, and economically, [...]
AirPods have been incredibly profitable for Apple since the company launched the product in late 2016. Unfortunately, the device carries a massive future liability that Apple executives and shareholders need to consider today. The plastic product consists of a variety of other materials, including tungsten, tin, tantalum, lithium, and cobalt, and cannot be easily repaired [...]
Think: In the healthcare industry? You need to think about gene-editing/CRISPR technology because it is about to change how we deal with a lot of diseases and illnesses. CRISPR Research Moves Out of the Lab And Into Clinics Around the World. Think Twice: Applying Sunlight to a Dirty Industry. The convergence of satellite data and artificial [...]
The future will become more beautiful one step at a time. On April 22, New York City--following on the heels of Denver, Portland, San Francisco, and Toronto--took a small step in this direction by passing legislation requiring new buildings to have "green roofs." In addition to cooling down a city by mitigating the urban heat island [...]
Think: A Bold and Beautiful Future is Moving from the Fringe into the Mainstream. Five fringe trends are converging at this unique time in history. The time to think about these trends is now. Think Twice: Business as Usual is No Longer an Option. Think Twice--you could be on Thin Ice! Think Historically: The Want/Need Problem: [...]