Unlearn Your Mind-Set and Adopt a Mind-Flex

I have read that when we are born our brains contain somewhere near one hundred billion neurons, and it can make a nearly infinite variety of possible connections--or neural pathways. As we grow older, however, we "pave" over many (or "hard-wire" if you will) of these neural pathways because they are so critical to our [...]

By |2011-02-28T13:46:32-06:00February 28, 2011|Creativity, Curiosity, Future, Imagination, Paradox|Comments Off on Unlearn Your Mind-Set and Adopt a Mind-Flex

Activate Your Imagination

One of the worst things an adult can do is criticize a child for having an "overactive imagination." From my perspective, now more than ever, the world needs more imagination. One solution: Begin criticizing adults for having "underactive" imaginations. Related Posts The Essential Element of Creativity Cultivate a Beginner's Mind

By |2011-02-10T07:16:25-06:00February 10, 2011|Creativity, Curiosity, Imagination, Wisdom|Comments Off on Activate Your Imagination
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