Teachers Should Go On Strike: For Innovation

This past weekend I had the pleasure of sitting on a panel discussing the future of education. The moderator asked a number of  thoughtful and provocative questions but there is one that I now wish would have been added: What if teachers went on strike? But instead of asking for the usual things -- more [...]

By |2010-05-04T05:37:30-05:00May 4, 2010|Questions|Comments Off on Teachers Should Go On Strike: For Innovation

Ask a Follow-Up Question

The other day I asked the following question: If the seed of a tree weighs next to nothing and yet the tree itself weighs quite a bit; from where does the tree get the material that makes up the wood in your desk or in your house? As I said nearly 85% of people get [...]

By |2010-04-18T07:02:12-05:00April 18, 2010|Questions|Comments Off on Ask a Follow-Up Question

10 “Whys” About Education

"In all affairs, it's a healthy thing now and then to hang a question mark on things you have long taken for granted."   I love the above quote from Bertrand Russel. In its spirit, here then are ten questions for our educational establishment: 1. Why should school begin at the age of 5? 2. Why [...]

By |2010-02-12T09:18:52-06:00February 12, 2010|Questions|Comments Off on 10 “Whys” About Education

10 Questions to Help You Unlearn

Asking a new question has always been one of my favorite methods of unlearning. I would therefore like to share with you ten questions from Seth Godin's new video (the full video is posted below for your viewing enjoyment) on this most recent book, Linchpin.   1. Can asking questions help you conquer resistance? (And, I [...]

By |2010-01-27T08:41:59-06:00January 27, 2010|Creativity, Future, Questions|Comments Off on 10 Questions to Help You Unlearn
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