To Grow: Unlearn

If you can unlearn your ideas about what is possible, you can grow almost anywhere. Related Posts The Tree of Unlearning A Plant Whose Virtue Has Yet to Be Discovered

By |2011-08-05T17:29:02-05:00August 5, 2011|Imagination, Trees, Wisdom|Comments Off on To Grow: Unlearn

The Tree of Unlearning Keeps Growing

One of the things that keeps me open to unlearning is the recognition of how little I know. Yesterday, I came across a fascinating article describing the relationship between fig trees and the wasps which pollinate them.   Apparently, there are over 700 different species of fig tree and each has a special relationship with a [...]

By |2010-01-28T07:09:05-06:00January 28, 2010|Trees|Comments Off on The Tree of Unlearning Keeps Growing
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