Top Ten Global Futurists

As someone giving four international keynotes on future trends this month, I’d love to tell you all of my ideas and insights spring naturally from my own mind. Obviously, this isn’t true. I read a lot (here’s a list of the ten best future-related books of 2011). I also rely on the insights of other [...]

By |2012-03-01T00:15:26-06:00March 1, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Top Ten Global Futurists

10 Future Mobile Trends for CIOs to Consider Today

At the end of March, I'll be traveling to Hong Kong to deliver a keynote presentation at SingTel's CIO Day 2012. In preparation for the talk, I recently reviewed Cisco's Global Data Traffic Forecast Update for 2012-2016. Here are ten interesting facts CIO's need to be contemplating today: 1. Monthly global mobile data will surpass [...]

By |2012-02-25T22:31:34-06:00February 25, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 10 Future Mobile Trends for CIOs to Consider Today

Ford's Faux Futuristic F*ck-Up

Last week, the Wall Street Journal reported on Ford and other automobile company's efforts to entice young drivers into buying their products by offering vehicles that can stream Internet music, access news and podcasts, and even "send a tweet." I'm sure some consumers will be intrigued by the ability to have their car send a [...]

By |2012-02-17T15:54:02-06:00February 17, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Ford's Faux Futuristic F*ck-Up

Unlearning Lesson #20

Unlearning Lesson #20: Mix Up Your Mind “The mind is like an iceberg, it floats with one-seventh of its bulk above the water.” --Sigmund Freud Question #20: According to the latest research, IQ accounts for what portion of career success? e. 50 to 60 percent f. 25 to 49 percent g. 23 to 34 percent [...]

By |2012-02-16T14:48:07-06:00February 16, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Unlearning Lesson #20

Making the Most of Your Ignorance

In a world of accelerating knowledge one of the more unfortunate side-effects is that our ignorance grows even faster than our knowledge. (This is because all that "you don't know" is naturally growing faster than that small amount of new knowledge you can and are absorbing.) This might seem like a depressing notion but it [...]

By |2012-02-08T19:16:45-06:00February 8, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Making the Most of Your Ignorance

A Healthy New Question

I speak frequently on the topic of unlearning to the healthcare industry. As a result, I'm always scanning the horizon for insights which seem to turn the "conventional wisdom" of healthcare on it's head. Recently, I came across this article describing how some healthcare innovators are asking new questions to determine the best treatment option [...]

By |2012-02-02T17:09:11-06:00February 2, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on A Healthy New Question

One Way to Unlearn

Here's one way to unlearn: Begin paying more attention to people who were never taught "what not to do." Related Posts Think Like a Child Draw Outside the Lines The Benefits of Keeping a Child-Like Mind

By |2012-01-31T00:09:24-06:00January 31, 2012|Uncategorized|Comments Off on One Way to Unlearn
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