Every December, I make a list of annual predictions for the forthcoming year. In late 2009, I predicted that by the end of 2010 approximately one-third of all automobile ads would emphasize a car’s ability to allow the user to engage with social media (See Prediction #1). I was off by a few month’s but, in case you didn’t see Chevy’s commercial during the Super Bowl on Sunday, I encourage you to watch it below.

As a futurist, what I find fascinating about the ad is that it isn’t about the car itself. Rather, it is about the automobile’s ability to serve as a communication platform and keep the driver connected to the things he really cares about. (In this case, his new girlfriend.)

The ad should serve as a wake call for a variety of industries for one simple reason: Young people are likely to care much less about certain products (and the features of those product’s) than their parents.

I recently addressed a large group of college administrators and showed them the commercial. I then added that if they weren’t truly serious about redesigning the physical classroom of the future they will lose out to those educational innovators who are.

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