HE-AA019C_SCIEN_CV_20100412103010 Next month, I will be delivering my first keynote presentation on the topic of unlearning to a large healthcare trade association in the midwest. I'm very excited by the prospect because I believe there is so much hospitals, medical device manufacturers, insurance companies, medical teaching institutions and other healthcare providers have to unlearn. 

To this end, there was a very interesting article in yesterday's WSJ discussing the attempts of Sage Commons to get scientists and researchers to work together in a more collaborative manner in order to facilitate medical-related research. It's great idea but, as the founder Stephen Friend, says it'll require "a huge cultural shift." 

Huge cultural shifts are, of course, possible but they usually require unlearning. 

For some examples see the related posts:

Science Accelerates through a Process of Unlearning

Big Problems Don't Always Require Big Fixes

The Way We See the Problem is the Problem

Am I to Blame for Spiraling Healthcare Costs?

Unlearning the Hospital