The next decade is only a handful of years away. What might the world of 2020 like look like? How will you and your business have changed? More importantly, how will you and your organization need to change?

The answer, in two short words, is: a lot!

Consider this: Eight years ago Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Wikipedia didn’t even exist; neither did the iPhones, iPads, apps or Kindles. Now, fast forward eight years into the future and try to comprehend how accelerating advances in information and communication technologies, the “Internet of things,” social media, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, biotechnology, brain-neural interfaces, gaming dynamics, crowd-sourcing and open-source sharing platforms will continue to drive seismic change and deliver paradigm-shattering transformation to nearly every facet of society.

It’s not easy.

In this engaging and entertaining keynote presentation based on his latest book (Foresight 20/20: A Futurist Explores the Trends Transforming Tomorrow), globally renowned futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich will take the guess-work out of understanding the near future by providing an in-depth exploration of how ten technological trends will transform the world of 2020.

Whatever your industry, association or organization, Jack Uldrich will work with you and your staff to create a customized presentation sure to not only energize and enlighten your audience but also provide them with the inspiration and ammunition to harness these trends and create their own successful future.

In the past year, Jack has addressed dozens of corporations, organizations and associations, including IBM, PepsiCo, United Healthcare, Cisco, Southern Company, WiPro and Lockheed Martin. For a complete list of past clients, click here.

For more information on Jack’s fees and availability, you can contact Pam Coleman of Executives Speakers Bureau at 901-754-9404  ( or Mimi Hair of Leading Authorities at 970-328-7000 (

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