Think: Please take 126 seconds and watch this video, and then think about your answers to the four questions Dan Pink outlines. They could save you and your business! This is How to Increase Your Intellectual Humility.

Think Twice: The Fed is Going to Revamp How Americans Pay for Things. The banking industry needs to think twice, it is on some thin ice.

Think by Listening: The world doesn’t always need more visionaries, sometimes it needs more “listenaries.” The Life-Changing Art of Asking Questions–and Listening.

Think Different: In the wake of yet another mass shooting in America, one mayor is thinking different about a possible solution: San Jose Mayor Proposes First in Nation Insurance Requirement for Gun Owners.

Think Smarter: Want to think smarter? (Who doesn’t?) Try getting out into nature for at least two hours every week.

Think Harder: Thinking about the future is hard. We need to think harder. What If We Visualized Humanity’s Future in Millenia Instead of Centuries?

Think Like a Child: If you can’t think like a child, consider getting a “reverse mentor.” Here’s how one Harvard professor benefited from a fresh perspective: The College Student Who Decoded the Data Hidden in Inca Knots.

Think in Questions: Here’s a good question: Want to improve your life? Here’s one good answer: Just learn to say no.

Think 10X: ZeroAvia’s Plane Can Fly 500 Miles, Powered Entirely by Hydrogen. This technology could easily grow 10X in the next decade. If it does, regional travel habits will change and so might the aerospace industry. 

Think Bigger: This trend could grow bigger … think about it: World’s Largest Urban Farm to Open on a Paris Rooftop.

Think Faster: Why do you need to think faster? Well, very soon you’ll be able to speak with anyone, anywhere on the planet in your own voice! Google’s AI Can Now Translate Your Speech While Keep Your Own Voice.

Think Radically: One big benefit of thinking radically is that you learn how to question–and then break–rules. How Costco Gained a Cult Following by Breaking Every Rule of Retail.

Think Anew: A wonderful example of thinking anew: Nike Launches New Shoe Subscription Service.

Think Sustainably: Yet another reason we all need to think sustainably: More Than Half of World’s Forest Wildlife To Be Lost in 40 Years, Study Finds.

Think the Unthinkable: The meat industry may need to begin contemplating once unthinkable things: Lab-Grown Meat Will Overtake Plants by 2040.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!