Think: Most people are going to travel in the future, so it might behoove business leaders to spend some time thinking about how we will get from place to place in the world of tomorrow. This article can help: Within 10 Years, We’ll Travel by Hyperloop, Rockets, and Avatars.

Think Twice: The world of higher education is already on thin ice. The ice will get thinner if tuition models change faster than expected. As this article suggests, it could happen: A Coding School Tuition Model Spreads to 4-Year Colleges.

Think Historically: What could the introduction of horses to North America in the 15th century possibly teach you about today’s accelerating technological world? More than you think: Collaborators in Action. (Good article!)

Think Different: If we want people to get healthy, we need to think differently about healthcare. Thinking about community is a solid place to start: To Reinvent Healthcare, Stop Treating Patients and Start Building Communities.

Think Smarter: These cities are thinking smarter about the future. It is time you do the same: The Most Innovative “Smart City” Projects in the World.

Think Harder: Economists and financial experts alike need to think harder about how the next market crash might occur: How the Rise of Passive Investing May Be Creating Huge Distortions in the Market.

Think Like a Child: As my mom said when I was young, “Feel the fear and do it anyways!” If you are going to create a more beautiful future, overcoming fear is often the first step. This article can assist: Feel the Fear.

Think in Questions: Here’s a good question (and a helpful article): What 4 Words Can Change Relations, Access Innovation and Resolve Conflict? (Hint: If you’re too lazy to read the article, the 4 words are: “What’s good about this?)

Think 10X: Want to know a bad–or negative–trend that could grow 10X? Think about satellite crashes.

Think Bigger: On a more positive–and sustainable–note, here is a trend that will grow bigger in the near future. In so doing, it could transform farming and, quite possibly, save the world: Meet the American Farmers Who Are Ploughing a Regenerative New Furrow.

Think Faster: The introduction of food apps has radically changed how–and where–we eat. This article is a wonderful reminder on why, in today’s world, we all need to be prepared to think faster: Grubhub and Doordash Are Changing Our Relationship to Food.

Think Radically: Farmers may need to think radically to survive: AI is Changing the Way We Farm.

Think Anew: This article suggests we might want to think anew about food waste: Study Reveals Food Waste is Worse Than We Thought–and Which Group is Most to Blame.

Think Sustainably: If we are to create a more sustainable world, we must recreate the global supply chain. This article points a way forward.

Think the Unthinkable: Tesla’s stock has been riding high of late. What could cause it to crash? How about a massive hack? Think it’s unthinkable? Think again: Hackers Trick Tesla into Accelerating 50 MPH Using 2-inch Tape Strip.

Want to think again? You can always revisit last week’s “Future 15”.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!