Think: This is an excellent article about how to guide your team through change. I enjoyed learning about the author’s four categories of thinking  but I most appreciated the emphasis on how to think like a scientist. If you don’t have time to read the piece, here are the four big take-a-ways: Be curious together, try things out, stay open to surprises, reflect and learn, and mix things up. All are good advice if you want to navigate your team, company or organization through a rapidly changing and uncertain future.

Think Bigger: Just yesterday, the first “climate smart” food began shipping from a facility in Wisconsin. Many farmers continue to downplay the significance of advances in regenerative farming but, as the article states, the rice which is now being produced with these new techniques uses half as much water and produces 50 percent less methane. The trend of regenerative agriculture and “climate smart” food could grow much bigger.

Think in Questions: A big question that has been on my mind and the minds of a great many other people is: What will the future of artificial intelligence look like? Of course, no one knows the answer. Nevertheless, the question is worthy of reflection and this idea that the future of AI may look like Star Trek’s “Borg” is intriguing.

Think Again: Yet another article to go into my ever-expanding “counterpoint” file: New research shows unintended harms of organic farming. (FYI: The article does not suggest that all organic farming is bad, merely that where and how organic farms are located needs to be given more consideration.)

Think Twice: The reason we must all think twice is because our world as we know it may, quite literally, be on “thin ice.” The reality that a major glacier in Greenland has shrunk by 160 meters–almost two full football fields–since 1998 should concern all of us. Releasing this much fresh water into the ocean could impact everything from wildlife to weather. Therefore, it is not too soon to be thinking about both the consequences of our past actions and our collective responsibility to take action to mitigate the problem.

Think Fast: If you don’t think the world is changing fast read this article on the future of warfare. If you don’t have time to read the article, reflect on this reality: Ukraine–a country without a functional navy–has been able to use inexpensive drones to render obsolete Russia’s control of the Black Sea . For a slightly less deadly but no less important technological shift, consider how this new AI site––allows people to create original songs with nothing more than a two word prompt. What does this mean for the future of musical artists?

Afterthought: “Take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention.” John O’Donohue

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