Think: “The Great Progression, 2025-2050” is an insightful article and is well worth reading. It is on the long side (about a 20-minute read) but two quotes in particular stuck out to me: 1) “This slow-moving, pro-progress story is being missed by most of the mainstream media chasing the minute-by-minute story of crisis and decline” and 2) “This world that older people spent their entire careers and lives mastering is coming to an end.” The bottom-line is this: There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the future but if you and your organization want to prosper, you will need to stay open to unlearning a great many things.

Think Fast: The jury is still out on how fast driverless cars will become mainstream yet autonomous vehicles are a trend worth monitoring. My advice is to continue looking for signs that the trend is progressing either faster or slower than you expected. This article, which highlights San Francisco’s recent decision to allow driverless automobiles to operate 24-7, offers evidence of the latter.

Think FasterThe same idea of looking for confirming as well as unconfirming evidence is true with regard to electric vehicles. To a certain extent, EV’s have already gone mainstream and yet in the U.S. only 4 percent of all new vehicle sales were electric in 2022. This number could increase significantly if battery technology improves and this article on Toyota’s new 745-mile range solid-state battery suggests this future may be coming soon. Goodbye “range anxiety!”

Think Faster Still: It is hard to convey just how quickly the world is changing. This article, AI is Building Highly Effective Antibodies That Even Humans Can’t Imagine, explains why health care–and, specifically, how we treat a variety of diseases–is on the cusp of revolutionary change.

Think Unreasonably: This is a short 30-second video reminding you of the importance of entertaining “unreasonable” thoughts while thinking about the future.

Afterthought: “Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they’re finished.”–Daniel Gilbert