Jack Uldrich
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Jack Uldrich’s “Friday Future 5:” February 26, 2021

Posted in Future, Future 15, Futurist, Think


Think: This article, The Six Laws of Zero That Will Shape Our Future, gave me a lot to think–and I know it will do the same for you. Six key drivers of humanity’s progress–computing, communications, information, energy, water, and transportation–are all headed toward zero cost. This will have a massive impact on business and society. It is not too soon for any of us to begin thinking about what this might mean for our business–and humanity.

Think Long-Term: Here is an important question for all of you to ponder: What do you want your legacy for future generations to be? This practical guide, The Long Time Tools: Tools to Cultivate Long-termism in Institutions, provides a series of techniques that can help you and your organization think long-term, and help answer the question about your legacy. (Helpful hint: One quick way to keep future generations in mind is to have an empty chair at every meeting–the purpose of the chair is to remind people that every decision made at that meeting will also affect future generations–who, of course, are not there to share their perspective or voice their concerns or objections.)

Think Different: There is little doubt the world is becoming more complex, uncertain, and ambiguous. This article, In Bad Times, Decentralized Firms Outperform Their Rivals , outlines the benefits of decentralization and is sure to give you something to think about. 

Think Like a Child: Inspiration can strike anywhere. This week, I happened across a group of young children splashing in a puddle and wrote this two-minute article: How Reverse Mentors Can Turn Obstacles into Opportunities.

Think Quick & Visually:  In this week’s “59 Seconds into the Future,” I discuss the emerging issue of legal rights for nature. In the near-term, the issue will affect real estate developers and agribusiness. In the long-term, all of society will be impacted by this change to our legal system.

Heart-Centered Thinking: What does an ecological civilization look like? It’s a good question and this article does a good job outlining what a society based on natural ecology might look like. 

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!” 




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