Think: It is no surprise that robots are getting better, but these two stories from this past week should give leaders in the health care and the supply chain industries something to think about: Robot performs first laparoscopic surgery without human help and Boston Dynamics’ Most Boring Robot is Getting a Sensible Job–Unloading Trucks.

Think Cheaply: In 25 years (and perhaps sooner), the world could potentially see a net zero energy system. This might strike some as “pie-in-the-sky” thinking, but as this article suggests the decreasing price of renewables isn’t going to plateau anytime soon. This is good news for residential and business consumers of energy (who will experience lower costs) and great news for the planet because the fossil fuel industry will eventually be relegated to history.

Think Big: mRNA is a technology that is definitely worth watching. To this end, the news that Moderna has initiated a clinical trial of its mRNA HIV vaccine is something that those in the healthcare field may want to begin thinking about sooner rather than later.

Think Bigger: An Alabama farmer has sued John Deere over his right to repair his tractor. From my perspective, this “right to repair” lawsuit could end up being a big deal for farmers across the United States. It stands to reason that if you buy a tractor (or a car for that matter) you should have the right to repair that piece of equipment yourself provided you have the technical wherewithal. That, however, is not currently the case as John Deere stipulates that they are the only one who can access and repair their proprietary software. (I don’t know how this case will be settled but it is worth watching.)

Think the Unthinkable: A new scientific study has determined that a surprisingly large number of fish communicate by sound. I mention this because as humans learn more about how fish communicate the idea that fish are conscious creatures (just like humans) more people are likely to adopt a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons. This does not mean that humans won’t eat fish–it is just that more of the fish will be plant-based like this new plant-based tuna (which is expected to be commercially available this year).

Afterthought: “For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.Lily Tomlin