ThinkIn my February Forbes article, I discuss How Businesses Can Prepare for the Upcoming Legals Rights of Nature. Some business people might think granting “legal personhood” to rivers, lakes, and mountains is a fringe idea but the prudent leader is encouraged to begin thinking about the issue today.

Think Fast:  Late last year in my annual “predictions” article for 2021 I shared the impressive progress being made in the field of 3D printing homes. It was recently reported that the first 3D printed house is now for sale for $300,000 in Riverhead, New York. This trend is growing fast and business leaders in the construction and real estate industry need to think equally fast about the trend’s ramifications.

Think Harder: Steel plays a huge role in our world–from the construction of buildings and bridges to sculptures and ships. One of the primary reasons it is used is its strength. Researchers at MIT have, however, recently constructed molecular nano fibers stronger than steel. The materials are not yet being produced on a commercial scale but it won’t be long before executives in a variety of industries need to think harder about how to work this new nano-material into its products.

Think Bigger:  Every week brings a new development in the growth of electric vehicles–and thus the electrification of the grid and, potentially, our economy. The latest news comes from Amazon which announced this week that it will deploy 10,000 electric vans in 16 cities by the end of the year.

Heart-Centered Thinking: In my latest Medium article, The Key to Unlocking Your Soul, I share some advice about the importance of subtracting things. The article will give plenty to think about from both a personal and a professional perspective. 

P.S. I have started a new regular feature entitled “59 Seconds into the Future“–a short, weekly video designed to provide the viewer a quick insight along with something to think about. This week’s 59-second video discusses the rise of Public Benefits Corporations. (Moving forward, I will create a new category called “Think Quickly and Visually” to share the video.)

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!”