Think:  My latest article in Forbes, Five Disruptive Innovations Affecting Various Industries in 2021, will give you plenty of things to begin thinking about as we begin this new year.

Think Different: Most leaders spend too little time thinking about failure. If you want to succeed in the future you need to unlearn this habit. This article, If You Are Going to Survive, You Must Prepare to Fail, can help in this task.

Think in Questions: As a leader, do you think you need to have all the answers? Think again! Your primary job in today’s rapidly changing world is to ask better questions: Good Leadership is About Asking Good Questions.

Think Globally: Earlier this week, 50 countries agreed to protect 30 percent of the earth’s land and oceans. For a variety of reasons, this trend will grow more powerful in the near future and it is not too soon for you, as a leader, to begin thinking about how the global movement to protect biodiversity will impact your business.

Heart-Centered Thinking: One of the many things I have had to unlearn in my life is the idea that world-shifting change doesn’t need to be driven by a correspondingly large idea or action. The world is transformed just as much–if not more–by small, heart-centered actions. This story of prisoners (who make only 8 cents an hour while working in prison) raising over $32,000 to help a struggling student with his tuition touched my heart–and I think it will touch yours as well.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!”