Think:  “What you think is creating your life. If you want a different future, make a different day today.” This is the last line from this thoughtful article, Tell Me What You Did Today, And I’ll Tell You Where You’ll Be in 10 Years. I encourage you to read it. It will give you plenty to think about.

Think Fast:  In 2013, the world launched 130 satellites over the course of the year. On January 25, 2021, Space X launched 143 satellites in a single day! Satellites are revolutionizing the world, and this is a powerful trend that every business leader needs to be thinking  about today.

Think Smarter: I recently produced a short 59-second video on artificial intelligence with three practical steps executives should be taking today. I didn’t recommend taking Stanford’s online course on AI in my video, but this article–AI for the Perplexed Executive–is worth checking out.

Think Bigger:  Last year, I shared Kevin Kelly’s insightful article on “The Mirrorworld.” I also encourage you to read this article, The Metaverse is Coming and It’s a Very Big Deal, because it picks up on the same theme. The convergence of the physical world with data and digital tools such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence is going to be transformational. The best time to begin thinking about this trend was yesterday, the next best is today!

Heart-Centered Thinking: It is important to remember that economics is a social science, not a natural science. It was invented by people and it can–and is–being reinvented by people. If you are interested in understanding where economics and capitalism are headed this article about Amsterdam’s radical new experiment is a great place to start.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!”