Think: Society has a dangerous bias towards the present — politicians look out only to the next election, the fashion industry peers out to the next season, corporations look to the next quarter, and on the Internet attention is measured in mere minutes. This short article, Futures in Long-Termism, offers links to six additional articles that will help you develop a healthier and more sustainable way to think about the future. I recommend starting with this one: Perishable Selves to Persistent Selves.

Think Better: This might seem obvious, but if you want to think better you should begin by seeking silence. An excellent way to improve your “thinking time” is to start by putting your phone away. This article, 4 Things That Will Make You More Intelligent, Focused, Inspired, and Caring has a few other helpful hints as well.

Think Harder:  This is a long but important article: Human Inside: How Capabilities Can Unleash Business Performance. The future will be driven by humans and it is vital leaders spend more time thinking about how they can help their employees bring their fullest self to work.

Think Like a Futurist: Alternative meat sales could reach $140 billion by 2029–or about 10 percent of the world meat market. From my perspective as a futurist this figure may actually be on the low side. The reason: 3D printers could soon be producing high quality planted-based steaks.

Heart-Centered Thinking: My fondest for the Japanese word Kokoro is well-known, but this week my wife introduced me to another Japanese word, Ikigai. The word, unfortunately, has been hi-jacked by many in the West, but it roughly translates into “reason for being.” This article, Ikigai: The Most Misunderstood Secret to a Happy Life, can help you think about your life in a new and powerful light.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!