Think About the End: Each year on my birthday, I have made it a tradition to think about my death. Far from being a morbid exercise, I have found this exercise to be useful in helping me live a more meaningful life. This article on reframing death explains my thought process.

Think About Your Thinking: It is not enough to think. We must also think about our thinking. These “ten commandants of critical thinking” by Bertrand Russell are worth reviewing.

Think Different: “Mobility as a service” is a big trend. Hyundai Motor is now offering a “robo-shuttle” service in South Korea. In the near future expect fewer individuals (especially in large cities) to own automobiles.

Think Bigger: Surgeons at Duke University recently completed the first-ever artificial heart transplant. There is no reason to believe that artificial heart and other organ transplants won’t grow more commonplace in the future.

Think Smarter: The earth may be getting hotter (this past June was the hottest on record) but the fashion industry has a solution: A new “mirror” fabric that can cool wearers by 5 degrees.

Thought of the week: “If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting!”