Think: Advances in one technology can lead to advances in other areas. One case-in-point might be how advances in off-shore wind power could lead to the growth of hydrogen production. This article, Wind-to-Hydrogen Production Reaches Deep Water, explains how this might happen.

Think in Questions: One of my favorite “thought leaders” is Seth Godin. Earlier this week, he had a post entitled “What Sort of Bicycle.” I won’t ruin it for you but, often, the future unfolds in unexpected ways for unexpected reasons. Never let your idea of an “expected” future keep you from seeing “unexpected” possibilities.

Think Optimistically: The honest answer is that no one–and I mean no one–truly knows what the long-term impact of artificial intelligence will be on humanity but there is reason to believe AI might be extremely beneficial. To this end, this article by Marc Andreesen, offers a realistic and optimistic take on AI: Why AI Will Save the World.

Think Bigger: The service area for self-driving taxis is doubling in San Francisco and Phoenix and the trend may grow significantly bigger and the time to begin thinking about the growth of self-driving cars is now. (I am NOT a financial investment professional but the growth of autonomous cars is why one leading stock picker thinks Tesla might be a $5 trillion company by 2026.)

Think Harder: If I was a farmer I would be thinking harder about solar power. Specifically, the advances in agrivoltaics are advancing at an impressive rate and may be a viable, money-making venture for some farmers sooner rather later.

Afterthought: “Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.”.”–Howard Aiken