Think: I am not proud of it but I am one of those people who has found myself saying, “I can’t draw.” This article, “Have You Fallen for the Myth of “I Can’t Draw? Do It Anyways–and Reap the Rewards” has caused me to rethink how drawing might actually improve my thinking. I think it may do the same for you.

Think Smarter: For the first time in months this newsletter won’t contain an article on artificial intelligence. One reason for this is that AI might be neither the biggest nor the scariest technology out there. That honor, as explained in this video, may belong to gene-editing technology.

Think Big and Different: The Economist has an insightful article on the future of fishing. (Hint: The future of fishing may be on land). A separate article tells a slightly different but no less provocative story: An Israeli company is now 3D printing lab-grown fish filets. For those of you who are thinking, “I’d never eat lab-grown fish,” here is a sentence from the article which may give you pause: “Unami says its lab-grown grouper is healthier than the ocean-swimming version since it doesn’t contain any of the antibiotics, mercury, or micro plastics that can unfortunately be found in wild and farmed fish.”

Think Bigger and More Optimistically: Climate change is all too real. Fortunately, innovators are working on the issue. This article offers some hope: We might soon be able to remove gigatons of CO2 from the ocean. (In the meantime, don’t stop pursuing your own CO2-limiting activities.)

Think in Questions:  I have published this article before in my newsletter but it is so good and so timely that I am sharing it again: Good leadership is About Asking Good Questions.

Afterthought: “Neither a man nor a crowd nor a nation can be trusted to act humanely or to think sanely under the influence of a great fear.“–Bertrand Russell