Think: Richard Feynman is one of my intellectual heroes. This article can be summed up with this piece of timeless advice from Feynman: “Assume nothing, question everything.” There are a number of other nuggets in this article–I encourage you to give it a read: Richard Feynman’s Unique Approach to Life, Learning and Thinking.

Think Harder: Want to think harder? Here’s some counter-intuitive advice–Begin before you’re ready, and practice in public.

Think Ambiguously: Want to think better and make smarter decisions? (Really, who doesn’t?) If so, I encourage you to read this article, F. Scott Fitzgerald On First-Rate Intelligence

Think Like a Futurist: Fellow futurist David Houle has a concise but hard-hitting piece in which he declares “legacy thinking IS the problem.” If you think you might be holding on to “legacy thinking” read this article. (Hint: If you are hoping things will return to “normal” or “business as usual,” I am sorry to tell you, but you are guilty of legacy thinking!)

Heart-Centered Thinking: A more contemporary intellectual hero of mine is John Hagel. I recently stumbled across these two posts of his from 2018, Mindset and Heartset and Gratitude for Spirit. In a no-nonsense way, Hagel explains why matters of the heart and spirit must seriously be considered by business leaders if they wish to understand and leverage the future. (I encourage you to complement these articles with this classic article on the Japanese word “Kokoro.”)

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!