Think: As you think about the future, there are few better ways to spend your time as a leader than to think about “the potential of achieving your potential.” This article can help.

Think Smarter:  If we are to achieve a better future, we need to re-engage our imaginations and ask better–and smarter–questions. This article by Marc Andreessen does both: It’s Time to Build.

Think Different: A great many businesses are hurting. To survive, leaders will need to think different. The Prime Minister of New Zealand is rethinking the length of the work week to help rebuild the country’s tourism industry. What might you need to rethink in order to survive?

Think Historically: Are there laws of history? Scientists disagree on this question, but this is an insightful article. As a futurist, I tend to favor Mark Twain’s wisdom: History doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme.

Think about the Unthinkable: Could a decade-long economic depression be headed our way? I certainly hope not, but as a futurist I need to consider “unthinkable” and unpleasant things–and so do you! This isn’t a fun article, Why Our Economy Could Be Headed for a  Long Depression, but as a leader I encourage you to read it and then begin positioning your business for the possibility that this shit storm could last a helluva lot longer than most economists are predicting.

Heart-Centered Thinking: As some of you may know, I am a resident of Minneapolis, Minnesota. This commentary of mine (We Want a More Peaceful World, But it Starts from Within) appeared in today’s Minneapolis Star Tribune. It is my response to the George Floyd tragedy. I encourage those of us who have stayed silent on the issue of racial justice–and, sadly, I put myself in this camp–to begin by going within and changing our hearts. If enough of us can do this, we can begin changing–and healing–our communities.

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!