Think: As a futurist, I have never claimed the ability to predict the future. I do subscribe to the belief that we can create our future. To do this, however, we must embrace “strategic experimentation.” Experimentation, though, entails risk and the possibility of failure. For leaders looking to create a culture of innovation within their organizations, I encourage you to read and think about the insights found in this article, How to Make Bold Decisions to Live Your Best Life.

Think Smarter: Lifelong learning is not a cliche, it is an essential element for future success.  This article, 8 Things We Can Learn from MasterCard about Lifelong Learning, is worth reading and thinking about. I especially like the idea of learning a “mindset” rather learning a set of specific skills. (A “growth mindset” will never be obsolete whereas a particular skill may have a limited shelf life.) FYI: A growth mindset can even help you deal with–and potentially overcome–anxiety.)

Think Intuitively: Leaders often like to think of themselves as the “captain of the ship.” As a former naval intelligence officer and as the author of a few books on leadership, including Soldier, Statesman, and Peacemaker: Leadership Lessons from General George C. Marshall, I understand this sentiment. This is not the only way to think of leadership. In this insightful article, How Haier is Shattering the Status Quo, the CEO explains how he views his role less as “captain of the ship” and more as the architect of the ship.

Think Differently: Think some people are just luckier than other people? Think again! As this article, How to Be Lucky, explains your odds of getting “lucky” can be significantly enhanced by learning to expect the unexpected.

Think the Unthinkable: Living to the age of 200 may sound both undesirable and impossible but as this article suggests, These 4 Tech Breakthroughs Could Help End Aging, living to such an age is not unthinkable. In addition to the four advances outlined in the article — genetic engineering, regenerative medicine, healthcare hardware solutions (robotics, etc.), and healthcare data intelligence — I also believe advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, and stem cell research will lead to longer life expectancies.

Afterthought: “Forethought spares afterthought.”–Amelia Barr