Think: There was a trend emerging before Coronavirus and I believe it will now be accelerated by the pandemic. A colleague, Camille Kolles, and I call it “Generation RE,” and you may want to begin thinking today about what this “generation” might mean for you and your business in the future: The Great Reset and the Emergence of Generation RE.

Think Smarter:  One of the best ways to think smarter is to become more self-aware. This article, The 5 Habits of Highly Self-Aware People, can help.

Think Different: I absolutely loved this article, Via Negative: Adding to Your Life By Subtracting. Here’s just one gem: Make a list of your 25 top priorities. Circle the top 5. The other 20 items or actions become your “Avoid at all costs list.” Eliminating “good things” helps you focus on the best!

Heart-Centered Thinking: I didn’t know who James Hollis was until this week. I have since ordered but have not yet read this book, What Matters Most. This article, Great Advice for Life from James Hollis, profoundly influenced me and I am confident it can help you. Don’t have time to read it? Here’s one quick take-a-way: Next time you’re confronted with a difficult decision ask yourself this question: Does this path, this choice, make me larger or smaller?

Think the Unthinkable: The problem is not that disasters and pandemics happen, it is that people and organizations don’t take time to prepare for unexpected and unthinkable things. In 2012, I crafted a “future scenario” to help organizations think about a pandemic. Please take a look and then heed my advice: Think about unthinkable things!

Until next week: Don’t stop thinking about the future! But also never forget “It is easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than think your way into a new way of acting“!