Over 30 years ago, the first “Test-Tube” baby was born in Great Britain. At the time, it sparked a great deal of controversy. It still does within some circles (most notably the Catholic Church), but for the most part in-vitro fertilization is now widely accepted. In fact, over two million babies have been born in the United States using the procedure. I mention these facts because earlier today it was reported that in Britain, for the first time ever, a baby was deliberately born free of the cancer gene for breast cancer. It is impressive accomplishment and I predict within the next few years millions of parents will be widely employing similar genetic screening tools on embryos in order to give their children the best possible chance of a healthy life.

Interested in reading other insights on the future of genomics from America’s leading Healthcare futurist? Check out these past posts:

Jump the Curve to a $1000 Genome

Amazon Jumps the Curve

Personalized Medicine’s Acclerating Future

The Future is About to Get Personal

You’ll Look and Feel Good in Genes

A Trillion Reasons to Care About Genomics

The Coming Healthcare Revolution