Had you been fortunate enough to be at Kitty Hawk on December 17, 1903 and witnessed the Wright Brother’s first ever flight you may been a little underwhelmed. That’s because the flight only lasted 12 seconds and traveled 120 feet. With this comparison in mind, I now invite you to watch (below) the maiden flight of Terrafugia’s “flying car.” It may not look like much today, but if you “jump the curve” and envision future cars that are made of lighter, stronger materials and are loaded with intelligent software and embued with networks of sensors, it is easy to imagine how the technology will soon get much better.

Now, I don’t expect to be taking off from my driveway anytime soon but, within a decade, I believe I’ll be able to drive to, say, a regional airport and take-off and fly to another regional airport that is 100-200 miles away, and then land and drive to my final destination.

One implication is that this technology could change certain people’s living habits and work patterns.

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