Jack Uldrich
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Non-Pleasure for Pleasure’s Sake

Posted in Analogy, Behavior, Books, Change, Food, Less is More, New Cards, One minute unlearning, Opposite May Also be True, Paradox, Psychology, See What Isn't There, Wisdom

Images-3 I am currently reading William Irvine's book, A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy and stumbled across this paradoxical — or, at least, counter-intuitive — idea: Denying yourself pleasure can lead to pleasure.


Consider eating an ice cream cone or, perhaps, a pleasant dessert. Undoubtedly, such an experience would be pleasurable. What people often forget is that the opposite may also be true. In the case of not eating ice cream or dessert it is possible that you may also experience pleasure by being pleased with yourself for showing self-constraint.


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