As a parent, I see preparing my children for the future as my main responsibility. To do this job, I employ a lot of tactics: I encourage them to play; I try to foster their creativity; and I also allow them to fail.

With this in mind, I’d invite you to watch this 9-minute video by Gever Tulley entitled “5 Dangerous Ideas for Kids.” Most of the lessons might seem counter-intuitive—especially in today’s hyper-cautious environment whereby we try to protect our kids from every possible danger—but the logic behind each idea is solid.

If you don’t have the time to watch the video, the five ideas (actually there are six) are:

1. Play with Fire

2. Own a Pocket Knife

3. Throw a Spear

4. Deconstruct Appliances

5. Break the Digital Management Copyright Act

6. Drive a Car

The beauty of all of these lessons (with the exception of the sixth) is that they are also applicable to adults who are trying to better prepare themselves for the future. (Note: If you’re an adult and you’re looking for a replacement for the sixth idea, I’d suggest that you allow a robot to drive the car for you.)