Futurist and Keynote Speaker Jack Uldrich

“Fantastic, inspiring, relevant, provocative, informative, insightful, entertaining, professional, compelling … and a dozen more adjectives that I have heard used to describe the keynote and workshop you delivered at our Summit.” Rene Shepherd, The Vision Council

“He helps you look at yourself, your life, and your business in a way that you do not usually do.”

“Judging from the number of people that lingered to ask a question and the general “post-meeting buzz”, it’s clear that your presentation had people thinking. In all honesty, this is one of the best programs that we’ve had in a long time and we’ve had plenty of excellent ones. Thank you for an entertaining and though provoking program.” Jim Hancock, Wells Fargo

Dear Jack: Just a quick personal note to thank you again for speaking to our senior management team. Your words were exactly what we needed to set the team’s frame of mind for a day focused on strategy.” Joe Robles, CEO, USAA

“Enjoyed his perspective and he really inspired me to think”

“Your opening address for conference was the best keynote presentation we have had in years. You were inspiring, thought provoking, motivational, and practical all at once—with a huge dose of practicality intricately added to the mix. But don’t take my words for it—73 percent of the people who attended your presentation gave you a five on a five-point scale and the other 27 percent gave you 4++.” Janice Mashak, Wisconsin Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.

The generosity and openness you brought to your presentation on unlearning really set a tone of optimism and creativity that lasted the whole conference and contributed to nearly every session that followed.” Teresa Eyring, Executive Director, Theatre Communications Group

Thanks again for coming to SMUD and working with us!  At last night’s Board meeting, board members shared that they felt it was, “the best workshop ever.”  You are a masterful facilitator!   The quality of the dialog and list of assumptions now up for deeper consideration and discussion represent a very positive step forward for SMUD – thank you!   If you are thinking of another book – it struck me that you could write a “how to” guide for effective and persuasive communication.  Your use of numbers, history, stories, analogies, etc… is masterful.  I wish I could have all of our communication staff learn from you! “ Elisabeth Brinton, Chief Business Officer, Sacramento Municipal Utility District

“Jack Uldrich did the best job hand down getting us to think about how fast things are changing today and that we had better be ready for the ramping up effect of technology and how it will impact our business.”

“I have been doing professional development for 25 years and Jack is absolutely one of the top speakers I have observed.  He spoke to about 200 of our project managers, superintendents and company leaders at the end of a long day of training and everyone was focused on his message.  He received very high ratings on our conference evaluation forms.  Jack uses humor, facts and creativity to get his message across.  This was two years ago and many of our people still reference his talk. “ Mike Smoczyk, Kraus Anderson

Jack Uldrich was an extremely knowledgeable and engaging facilitator. I was impressed with his ability to bring both his work as a futurist and as a change management expert to bear on our regional issues.” Chris Morrill, City Manager, Roanoke

You were the hit of the show, numerous attendees came up to me and other staff members commenting on how much they enjoyed your talk.  In fact, there was one gentleman who came up to me just after the opening ceremonies and said that hearing your presentation was worth coming to the show alone and he didn’t need to hear anybody else.” Amy Purcell, The MoneyShow

“I would like to sincerely thank you for stepping up to the plate and hitting the ball out of the park with your presentation on unlearning at our NAPM educational conference … your tangible examples gave our members optimism and ideas!” Dan Feder