
Late last year, I wrote an article entitled ”3-D Prinitng: The Shape of Things to Come.” As a futurist, I still feel quite strongly about the technology and its potential ramifications for the future of manufacturing.

It was with some interest then that I read this article. Here’s the operative passage: ”By 2011, Gartner expects the number of 3-D printer to increase 100-fold from their 2006 levels.” A 100-fold improvement in a five period year represents an extraordinary amount of change in a short period of time, and, if nothing else, it should provide executives in the manufacturing world yet another reason to learn how to jump the curve!

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3-D Printing: The Shape of Things to Come

Jack Uldrich is a writer, public speaker and host of He is the author of seven books, including the forthcoming Jump the Curve and The Next Big Thing is Really Small: How Nanotechnology Will Change the Future of Your Business, and speaks frequently on future trends, innovation, change management, nanotechnology, robotics, RFID technology and executive leadership to the manufacturing and industrial equipment industries.