
Recently, I have been speaking to more companies in the building and construction industry. The reason is simple: the leaders in the industry understand it is imperative that they innovate. To this end, one of the technologies I encourage them to incorporate into their future business plans is virtual reality technology.

This is for two reasons. First, new 3-D visual reality technology can help architects, engineers and general contractors “walk” through designs to find material clashes and construction errors, as well as find new and improved ways to design and build certain structures.

Second, as 3-D technology becomes more pervasive—and this informative article suggests that it will—I am convinced that both corporate customers and home-owners will begin demanding that virtual reality technology be configured directly into their offices and homes so that they can employ the technology to communicate, educate and entertainment themselves in ways that are fundamentally different from today. (For readers interested in this idea, I refer you to this old post.)

For related articles to the construction industry by Jack Uldrich. These out these past posts:

Printing the House of the Future

Bone Up on Your Material Sciences

The Future of Manufacturing