
I recently had the pleasure of traveling to Winnipeg, Canada to address the Life Science Alley of Manitoba on the topic of unlearning. As part of my itinerary, I also had the opportunity to address the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce on the future of green energy.

I have taken the liberty of posting the YouTube clips below:

Emerging Green Technologies Part 1 (includes: understanding the power of exponential growth, nanotechnologies)

Emerging Green Technologies Part 2 (includes: practical examples of nanotechnologies, the oil industry)

Emerging Green Technologies Part 3 (includes: how technology defuses to the masses, solar panels, fuel cells)

Question 1: What Can Public Policies do to Encourage Green Technologies?

Question 2: What is the Impact of Market Forces on Energy Policies?

Question 3: What is the Future of Hydroelectricity?

Question 4: How can we Educate Ourselves in an Era of Exponential Growth?

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