
It has been said that the best way to predict the future is to create it. To this end, I have said on numerous occasions that one of the finest leaders (and futurists) of the 20th century was General George C. Marshall.

Why? Because it is largely the result of his visionary leadership that America and Western Europe have maintained peace since the end of the Second World War.

I recently had the pleasure of traveling to Lexington, Roanoke, Birmingham and Chattanooga to deliver a series of lectures on Marshall (based on my 2005 book, Soldier, Statesman and Peacemaker: The Leadership Lessons of George C. Marshall) and, today, a marvelous recap of one those talks appeared in this CIO Enterprise article, The Leadership Lessons of General George C. Marshall.

If you are looking for some inspiration on how to create a better future for your organization or community, I strongly encourage you to read the article. And, if you’re looking for more information on this incredible man visit

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