The paradox of the future is this: The future is being created now.
Innovative researchers, scientists and entrepreneurs are working today to create a radically different future.
What if in five years you can:
–Recharge an all electric vehicle in less than 30 seconds;
–Sequence your genome in less than a minute for a single penny;
–Install attractive, flexible solar panels on the roof of your home or business for less than the cost of your annual utility bill;
–Receive college credit for taking any high quality, online university courses for free;
–Ride in a self-driven robotic car; and
–Wear fashionable computing technology that knows you so well it can predict your future needs (and health) before you can?
Would any of these things change how you live or work?
If so, the obvious question is this: What are you and your organization doing today to prepare for this future?