I’m in Chennai, India where I delivered a keynote presentation to a group of emerging leaders within PepsiCo India this morning. After my talk, I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Michael Yaziji. As part of his presentation, he showed this astounding “futuristic” video from Apple. The video was made in 1987 and, apparently, was only used for internal purposes by the company.

Obviously, the video made an impact. The date of the fictional scene was set in September 2011. Considering the success of the iPad and now Siri some 25 years after the video was created, it highlights the importance of envisioning the future.

Enjoy! (The clip is about 5 minutes long.)

Interested in other futuristic video from the past and the present? Check out these clips:

A Window into the Future

Visions of the Future: Past & Present