Let me begin by saying I don’t know anything about Chelsea Clinton’s qualifications to be appointed to the board of IAC/Interactive Corp. For all I know, it may be nothing more than blatant cronyism. Nevertheless, it is an interesting development.

Here’s why.

Since 2007, there have been only 50 people born since 1980 (or under the age of 31) appointed to the boards of public companies.

This seems like a shockingly low number to me. Older adults do not hold a monopoly on business or financial wisdom–especially on Wall Street (as the many financial crises of the past few years suggest).

This is not to imply young people hold all the answers either. They do not. I do, however, believe that in this era of accelerating change where technologies, networks, business models and consumer behaviors are transforming overnight the perspectives of more young people are desperately needed.

If this is a step too far for those of you who have the power to appoint board members then at least consider getting yourself a reverse mentor. Understanding the future requires exposing yourself to new and different perspectives–and that is something young people can offer in spades.