
Success Magazine recently published an article entitled ”Think Like a Child” in which I was quoted extensively. I encourage you to read it because, in addition to my insights (which I naturally think are insightful), it cites a number of other experts and practioners of “thinking like a child.” Here are a few highlights:

1. Children are naturally curious and open-minded;

2. Children aren’t conscious of what other people think;

3. Children don’t easily take “no” for an answer;

4. Children understand that recess can be the most important part of the day;

5. Children engage their imagination and aren’t afraid to try on new roles;

6. Children draw their inspiration from other children; and

7. Children don’t view setbacks as failures. 

For some other child-like thoughts, I invite you to review these past writings:

The Power of Play

Stop Acting Your Age

Take a Mandatory Recess

The Power of Creative Play

Cultivate a Beginner’s Mind