Unlearning need not be hard. In fact, I encourage people to start small. Here are ten quick actions you can implement before you reach your desk this morning to get you started down the path of unlearning:

1. Sleep 15 minutes later. The extra rest can increase creativity.

2. Shower with your eyes closed. This simple action will force you to utilize different senses.

3. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. Your brain will engage underemployed synaptic connections.

4. Put your pants on opposite leg first. (If you normally step into pants left leg first, do it the right leg first.)

5. Read the newspaper backwards. You’ll be surprised by some of the stories you’d otherwise miss. (If you get your news online, visit a new website — like my other site at www.jumpthecurve.net.

6. Watch a different morning news program. Better yet turn off the TV altogether and instead watch a TED video or audit a free online course at UC Berkeley or MIT.

7. Try a new physical exercise. Your muscles adapt to your regular routines so exercise those muscles in a new way.

8. Have a salad for breakfast. It’s healthy.

9. Take a different route to work and turn off the radio. Use the time to think instead.

10. Stop at a new coffee shop for your pre-work caffeine jolt.